At The Chatterbox Club we strive to provide a broad and balanced curriculum for all children.

The Early Years Foundation Stage is our starting point for planning that meets the specific needs of individuals and groups of children. When planning, staff set suitable learning challenges and respond to children’s diverse learning needs.

Some children have barriers to learning that mean they have special needs and require particular action by the nursery.

The Special Needs Coordinator (SENCO) for The Chatterbox Club is Mrs Grace Walker


 Following government changes and guidelines in further developing improvements in supporting children with SEND, the 'Local Offer' is an easy-to-understand information pack which provides services to children and families with special educational needs or a disability.

What is a 'Local Offer'

What does it mean for you as a parent/carer of a child with Special Educational Needs or a Disability?  The Chatterbox Club have produced a 'Local Offer'for parents and carers of children with Special Educational Needs or a Disability (SEND).  The purpose of the Local Offer is to 'offer' information for parents/carers, in a place, which helps them understand what services they and their family can expect from the Chatterbox Club.  

The Chatterbox Club have provided this information to give parents and carers the opportunity to recognise their good practice in supporting children with Special Educational Needs/Disabilities in achieving their full potential.

If you would like to have a look through the different sections of the services available for families with children with SEND then you may want to look at our Local Offer Booklet.  If you wish to leave feedback on this local offer, please use the e-mail facility in the 'Contact Us' section.

                                                     Definition of Special Educational Needs

Legislation defines a child with Special Educational Needs (SEN) as having:

1. A significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of children his or her age


2. A disability which either prevents or hinders him/her from making use of educational facilities of a kind generally provided in nurseries and schools, within the area of the local authority concerned for children of his/her age. 

The aim of our Special Educational Needs Policy is to ensure that:

♦ We identify and assess children with SEN as early as possible. √

♦ Include all children and their families in our provision. √

♦ Provide well informed and suitably trained practitioners to help support parents and children with learning difficulties and/or disabilities. √

♦ Ensure that all children are treated as equals and are encouraged to take part in every aspect of the nursery day according to their individual needs and abilities. √

♦ Promote positive images and role models during play experiences of those with additional needs wherever possible. √

♦ Celebrate diversity in all aspect of play and learning. √

The SEN co-ordinator will be responsible for the co-ordination of all matters relating to Special Educational Needs and will be the person who liaises with outside agencies as well as overseeing provision within the club setting. 

If you would like to read our SEND Policy, the SEND Local Offer or Accessibility Plan

Please simply click on the links below

SEN Policy

SEND Local Offer

Accessibility Plan